How The Paleo Diet Turns Back The Clock On Fat

By Andrew Simpson

Back in the ages when the average human had to catch a fish and then worry about fighting away a saber-tooth tiger for his dinner, the medical complications that plague modern society were unheard of. Obesity, heart diseases, diabetes, indigestion, hemorrhoids, and other medical complications are a direct result of the poor diet of modern humans. If you want to eliminate fat and health concerns, choose the food that our forefathers did.

The majority of calories that the average American takes in come from corn in one fashion or another. A hamburger from a fast food restaurant is about eighty percent corn based. Since corn is a grain and not a vegetable, anything from corn syrup in a soft drink to corn-fed beef is simply perpetuating the unhealthy effects of the sugar within the grain.

By consuming artificial ingredients, furthermore, you never know exactly what it is you are eating. Industrial solvents and solutions can be applied to any food so long as it is called an artificial ingredient, without any way of the consumer knowing exactly what they are putting into their body.

What's in a name? The Paleo Diet is based on the food available in the Paleolithic era, a time when humans ranged far and wide in order to gather edible plants and hunt animals in order to get their next meal. These food options work to eliminate fat stored up in the body by creating better metabolic efficiency.

Many of the foods we eat today may as well have been specifically designed to make us fat. Hydrogenated oils are almost impossible to digest in the human metabolism and turn instantly to fat once they are eaten. High fructose corn syrup, likewise, is effectively pure sugar and will be stored as body fat unless immediately burned off.

Nearly every food option you look at has one of these processed nightmares. Soda, for instance, is effectively a can or bottle full of pure sugar. Artificial foods like peanut butter have so much oil that they can disrupt the entire process of metabolizing a meal. Preservatives used in foods tend to be more sugar or salt on top of the food itself.

The results of modern, artificial foods speak for themselves. Only one in three Americans are not overweight, and only two in three are not obese. The solution is not maintaining an artificially low calorie count, but maintaining a calorie count low in artificial food. When your body can process and utilize every aspect of its meals, it creates no fat to be stored.

What is in the paleo diet? Simply put, everything: everything that you could have eaten if you lived in the time of the Ice age. If you enjoy eating ham with pineapple, worry not, for your ancestors could have caught themselves a wild boar and then used a pineapple to garnish the feast. If you love seafood soups with cilantro and mushrooms, knock yourself out with the shrimps and mussels of our choosing.

There are so many options available in the Paleo diet that it is easier to tell you what is not available. The syrups and grains and sugars that comprise so much of the "fast food" diet are off limits, since in the Stone Age nobody has heard of cupcakes with no-touch frosting.

Eliminating the oils and sugars of modern diets goes a long way towards burning off fat. Once your body is no longer taking in these artificial ingredients, your metabolism no longer stores nutrition in fat cells but will burn it up as it goes. The increased rate of metabolism, in turn, requires your existing body fat to power homeostasis.

The end result is more fat burned away from your stomach, thighs, arms, and waist. It is not a matter of counting calories, simply a matter of letting your body process the nutrition it needs on a daily basis.

If you have struggled with losing weight, do not think about cutting calories. Instead, think about cutting artificial food choices so that you are left with the meals our forefathers ate and enjoyed. Only good ingredients going in means that your body will burn up the fat stored from a lifetime of sodas and pizzas, leaving you trim and in good shape.

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