How The Advocare 24 Day Challenge Diet Promotes Weight Loss

By Myrtle Cash

The obesity epidemic has made tons of people fascinated with the thought of losing weight. Some people want to drop the excess weight in order to improve their health, while others want to drop the pounds so they can look better than they presently to. Whatever, the reason for wanting to lose weight, the AdvoCare 24 day challenge diet can help you effectively do so.

Although the program is called a diet, it actually is not just a dieting plan. It is a program that has been tested by scientists. It features supplements that have been scientifically engineered to help an individual lose weight, while also building muscle in the process.

Losing weight is difficult. There is a reason why there are millions of different diets and exercise programs on the market, and that is the reason why. You will not instantly lose excess weight, if you think that the additional weight you have is not an issue. You need to have a plan for the weight that you wish to lose.

Aside from putting all of your focus on dieting, you also need to ensure that with every program you use, you also include an exercise program into the mix as well. Exercising and dieting are two fundamental principles that go hand in hand. You cannot have one without the other, and expect to see results.

The program is comprised of two phases. The first phase consists of the first ten days of the program. During the first phase of the program, individuals will begin the cleansing phase. They will use specific products to eliminate toxins from their bodies, preparing their bodies to lose weight, increase energy, and promote wellness.

The cleanse phase is the most difficult phase for individuals to go through. During this phase, individuals are pressured into abandoning their old unhealthy habits and replacing them with new ones that will promote a healthier lifestyle. However, during this time, if the individual is unwilling to put forth the effort to abandon their old habits, they may not obtain the type of results they would have, if they did.

Many people have a difficult time conforming to the cleanse phase instructions. The reason being, is because it is during this phase, where the individual has to alter the foods that they typically consume. The individual will be consuming high protein meals, eliminating sugar and dairy entirely.

Individuals engaging in the AdvoCare 24 day challenge diet are encouraged to combine their participation in the program with an exercise regimen. It is important to remember that the diets you decide to use are only as good as the exercises that you engage in, and vice versa. To increase your chances of losing weight, it is highly encouraged that both the challenge and exercise are included into your daily regimen.

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