5 Tips For Successful Weight Loss

By Barb Taylor

Weight loss can be a difficult process. Even those who start a diet program and stick with it sometimes do not obtain the results they had hoped for. Listed below are five weight loss secrets that can help you avoid sabotaging your weight loss efforts.

Overestimating Calories Burned

The majority of people use online calorie expenditure tables to estimate the amount of calories burned during a workout.

The majority of these tables are inaccurate by as much as twenty percent.

To accurately figure the calories burned during a workout you should use a heart monitor.

Leaving Out Exercises That Build & Strengthen Muscles

When developing an exercise plan for weight loss be sure to include both cardio and strength training. Strength training is vital because it builds and tones muscles. Having strong muscles will boost your metabolism and increase the amount of fat you burn.

If you are doing everything you should be doing and still not losing weight add in some strength training. You might be surprised by what a difference it makes in your results.

Regular Alcohol Consumption

Drinking more than one drink daily can have a negative impact on your weight loss efforts. As soon alcohol enters your system, your body makes this the priority and begins to process it immediately. Because of this any food you have eaten get processed slower and may be stored as fat.

Alcohol also makes you more likely to snack because it desensitizes the part of our body that regulates hunger.

It is also high in calories and has no nutritional benefit. Having an occasional drink is fine but more than a couple per week and you may be sabotaging your weight loss and health.

Not Eating A Meal

In theory cutting back on meals seems like a logical way to reduce calories. Unfortunately, dong this may actually cause you to gain weight.

When you do not provide your body with the food and nutrition it needs, your metabolism will begin to slow down making it harder to burn off calories.

When you go without eating your hunger intensifies, which can cause you to overeat at your next meal

It is much better to eat six small meals daily. Doing this will keep your hunger satisfied and prevent snacking. Whatever your daily calorie goal is, divide it by six to get the approximate number of calories each meal should contain.

Anticipating Immediate Results

Many people looking to lose weight set unrealistic goals. A lot of times people tend to overestimate what is possible and set monthly weight loss goals that are unachievable for the average person.

Reality is healthy weight loss takes time. One to two pounds each week is considered a healthy amount of weight to lose.

People who stick to this formula tend to have better luck keeping the weight off and sticking to the healthy lifestyle changes they have made.

These five simple weight loss secrets can be the key to starting your weight loss program off on the right foot.

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