Healthy Ideas For A Healthy New Year

By George Napoli

Each December 31st as people gather to count down the seconds until midnight, in the backs of their minds they are thinking of ways to have a healthy new year. It makes perfect sense. As a new January comes along, folks recognize it as a chance to start over and address all the things they wanted to face in the previous 365 days but failed to do. A new calendar is like a clean slate; it is a time when everyone can start over. Here are some of the top ways to improve your health and keep that new years resolution.

Perhaps the healthiest thing you can do for yourself is to stop smoking. It is detrimental to your good health on all sorts of levels. It can be off putting to others. It is expensive. So quitting is probably a really good idea.

It seems most everyone wants to shed a few pounds off the waistline. This is a good goal to set. Obesity is hazardous to your health. Just don't set your goals too high; slow and steady weight loss wins the race.

Cutting back on drinking alcohol is sometimes a big resolution issue. Actually, doing this might go hand in hand with your other resolution to lose weight. Alcohol has no nutrients or health benefits; it is just empty calories. And like the cigarettes, it can take huge chunks out of your wallet.

Making new friends can do wonders for your health. Friends are invaluable assets. Moreover, if you are trying to lose weight, quit smoking, or cut down on alcohol, they can prove to be positively supportive, if not inspirational.

A new January 1st is a good time to reflect on years past and figure out what changes you can make. Everyone can forget the disappointments of the old year and start anew. Before you know it, you will be doing it all over again.

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