Researchers Find Links Between Safflower Oil And Weight Loss

By Gloria Gardner

Because the number of people with obesity-related health conditions is steadily increasing, fitness gurus all over the world are attempting to find effective diet and exercise solutions for such individuals. Therefore, many nutrition experts are researching the connection between safflower oil and weight loss.

Manufactured from the seeds of the plant from where it acquired its name, the oil is delicate and must be kept from heat and light. It is often used to dress salads or deep fry certain kinds of food. Most of the studies being conducted on safflower oil are centered on the linoleic acid, also called CLA, that it contains.

CLA is thought to be responsible for the effectiveness of the oil regarding weight loss. This is due to the fact that it enhances the human metabolism, as well as decreases the amount of fat one stores. When consumed, it begins to boost the production of a hormone called adiponectin by about 20%. The latter plays a vital role in fat metabolism.

When adiponectin hormone levels are increased, fat is burned at a quicker pace. This effect was observed in clinical trials even though participants did not make any other changes to their regular diet. This effect has motivated health experts to begin new studies over the past few years.

The oil also contains other nutrients in addition to CLA. These include vitamin E, phytosterols and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, all of which boost the body's fat burning ability. Research also suggests that the oil is effective in lowering blood cholesterol levels in otherwise healthy men and women.

Those interested in trying this remedy to speed weight loss can use it in place of traditional salad dressings or cooking oils. Individuals can also purchase safflower oil supplements, which can be found online or at conventional health food stores. It is wise, however, to discuss the addition of any new dietary supplement with one's primary health care practitioner. For the aforementioned reasons, it is likely that research will continue with regard to the link between safflower oil and weight loss.

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