Gastric Sleeve Surgeons Are Magical Solvers Of Obesity

By Tammie Caldwell

Obesity is one of the leading health problems in America. Thus, to help in the solution of this problem, to at least reduce the number of obese Americans, gastric surgery is practiced. Particularly in Ridgewood, NJ, many patients have tried the procedure in order to lose weight. The process involves the operation of the stomach by cutting it to more than a half. This will be taken away and only a small portion is retained.

There are two options, open surgery or laparoscopic technique. These are both done by gastric sleeve surgeons in NJ. They have taken formal medical education and training before they are able to do this because this is such a sensitive procedure. There must also be proper diet in order to fulfill the promise of weight loss in the surgery.

The first week is the hardest. Aside from fainting and losing bowels, you can be strained which will cause infections. Hence, to avoid infections, do not lift anything heavy. You cannot do exercises lifting really heavy gym equipment. You will also be restricted to do your normal routines everyday. It will take approximately three months before everything comes back to normal.

Another thing is that it may cause diarrhea. Often, especially during the first week, there will be a feeling of faintness and nausea. Doctors advice not to do heavy exercises after an open surgery. After around one to three months, daily routine and some light exercises can be done. But many prefer the laparoscopic approach wherein they can recover more quickly.

More or less, three months will take before your full recovery. During the first month, you are advised to eat soft food. And in all the days of your life, you will be eating only a few amount of food, unlike during the past. You need to follow orders from your doctors so you will really achieve the kind of body you are aiming for.

You will be wasting your time and money in the surgery if you do not listen to your doctors. If you will eat the same way you did before, your belly could stretch. Thus, never eat more than your new tummy can handle.

Avoid food and drinks that have high calories or else, you will not lose weight. You must understand that the operation is only for reducing the size of the stomach. You will not lose weight immediately after the operation. You will still need to take dieting regimens before you can achieve that sexy look.

The success rate is high as long as you learn self discipline. You could be wasting the purpose of the operation if you will still eat more that you should this time. Your tummy will stretch if you keep on eating the same food intake you used to have before the operation. You will only defeat your own purpose.

There could be side effects as well. These are infections, clotting, and stomach leaking. Others develop anemia, gallstones, and even bone deficiencies.

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