Here Is Something That You May Need To Know About 5 HTP.

By Lorine Zaragoza

But, if you feel as if you are dieting issues have more to do with appetite control and mood then with energy levels, then learning about 5-HTP may be able to help you. This is a unique diet product that has long been used as a natural antidepressant, and may be able to help you feel better and lose weight at the same time.

Many are questioning whether or not it is a viable supplement to take when pursuing weight loss alone. However, there are many over the counter supplements that use 5-HTP.

First of all, this product is primarily known as an appetite suppressant which means that you will be less hungry at each meal and you will also be less likely to snack between meals. However, this also has the ability to combat depression, mood disorders, and binge eating that is often a result of depression.

If you are right in the middle of a "down" phase or prolonged depressed state you may have considered trying a nutritional supplement to help you deal with your issues without having to worry about side effects often associated with prescription drugs. For many folks, non-prescription herbal based supplements appear to be just as effective in relieving symptoms of mild to moderate depression as anti-depressant medications.

Initial research studies have found that 5-HTP reduces the appetite by increasing serotonin production in the brain. Clinical trials have actually shown some great results. Subjects that took between 600 and 900 mg daily were able to lose 11 pounds in 12 weeks. However, the trials also showed that the people that took 5-HTP in large doses sometimes had nausea, headaches, sleepiness, muscle pain, or anxiety.

As with most natural weight loss supplements, 5-HTP will deliver the best results if you eat wisely and increase your exercise activity. The supplement will have only minimal effects on its own, but as long as you do not increase calorie consumption and maintain the same activity level, it will help. And if you happen to be pregnant, that you should definitely consult a physician before using.

Too often nutritional supplements contain a concoction of ingredients that don't have any clinical backing as to their actual efficacy in responding to the intended physical condition. Let's take a closer look at what is actually contained within the Serelax formula.

At present, however, this herb is more commonly utilized in providing remedy for insomnia, anxiety, tension, and other nervous conditions. Alternative practitioners and naturalists have known for years that Valerian's sedative properties can calm and relax patients suffering from depression, stress, tension, and anxiety.

A recent clinical study suggests that Suntheanine, a patented unadulterated form of L-theanine, is effective in promoting relaxation naturally. In the study, participants who took 50 to 200 mg of Suntheanine showed not only a spike in the Alpha brain waves, but also a significant reduction in Beta waves of the brain.

Experts also believe that this substance can be used in boosting mental acuity, improving focus and concentration, enhancing learning ability, decreasing adverse effects of caffeine, helping promote restful sleep, and even promoting a healthy immune system.

Most people find that by taking this supplement on a daily basis and eating a sensible diet, they are able to lose weight at a fairly rapid pace without endangering their health. The fact that this also works is a natural appetite suppressant and helps with sleep means that it can positively affect many aspects of your life.

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