For Those Looking For Alternative Methods In Which To Control Their Anxiety, There Are Many Options Available Today

By Addy Rochon

Exercise, relaxation techniques, specific diets, and some natural supplements can all be of help to certain individuals, and might be worth trying for the anxiety sufferer looking for ways to take control without the use of prescription medications. One such natural supplement that has proven itself to have good results for anxiety sufferers is 5 HTP.

5 HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan) is an amino acid which is produced by the human body, as well as the plant species Griffonia simplicifolia. It is a brain chemical which comes from the conversion of L-Tryptophan (such as that found in certain foods like milk and turkey) into serotonin, which is essential in mood stabilization.

The trial concluded that 5-HTP was slightly more effective Luvox. Moreover, while Luvox users suffered a range range of side effects usually associated with SSRIs, 5-HTP only caused mild stomach upset in a few of the people who took it.

Two decades of evidence suggest that 5-HTP is a relatively safe supplement. Nonetheless, there are people who should avoid it. The most frequently reported adverse effects from 5-HTP are heartburn, nausea, and various kinds of stomach upset. 5-HTP can cause bloating, flatulence, and stomach rumbles. This side effect is due to the fact that the digestive tract makes its own serotonin, which may be overabundant until your body adjusts to the supplement. About 2 in 5 people who use the supplement experience these effects during the first 2 weeks of using it.

Specifically relating to anxiety disorders, 5 HTP anxiety supplementation combined with a healthy diet is reported to provide some amount of relief of anxiety symptoms. Whether taken with prescription medication or alone, many who take it report calmer, less depressed moods and less anxiety.

Some studies indicate that 5-HTP is as effective in treating people who are experiencing moderate depression since it works as antidepressant drug. Aside from that, these studies have also revealed that it is effective in improving mood, anxiety, insomnia, and physical symptoms.

Where diet is concerned, carbohydrates are full of L-tryptophan, but there is more to it than simply eating a big bowl of pasta every time anxiety levels begin to rise. Actually, this is one of many causes of obesity and binge eating - the need for increased serotonin, which creates carbohydrate cravings; the problem is that most of us choose the wrong kinds of carbs.

With the "bad" carbs, there is a quick response in the form of a calming effect, but it is short-lived; our blood sugar levels get out of alignment (which can add to depression and anxiety) and the whole cycle starts again. Therefore, white carbs and other low-quality carbs are definitely not the way to boost serotonin.

There are reports that combining 5-HTP with the Parkinson's disease drug carbidopa can cause symptoms similar to those of the skin disease scleroderma. 5-HTP probably should not be combined with conventional antidepressants.

This does not mean you should stop your prescription antidepressant and put yourself on 5-HTP. Just the opposite: Almost all prescription medications for depression have to be tapered off gradually under your doctor's supervision. In the right circumnstances, however, 5-HTP might give your brain just the boost it needs to overcome depression and return to normal function.

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